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 Jual Ipad Websong MID 7 Inci Murah

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PostSubyek: Jual Ipad Websong MID 7 Inci Murah   Jual Ipad Websong MID 7 Inci Murah A6Wh4Sat 7 May 2011 - 13:31

Jual Ipad Websong MID 7 Inci Murah

* Operating system Google Android OS
* CPU VIA VM8505 533MHz
* Web vide with the ICON Youtube
* RAM 128Mb DDR2
* Display 7″ 16:9 widescreen 800×480
* High brightness TFT LCD
* Touch control: full size touch operation
* Sliding menu, functional icon dragging
* Storage harddisk 2Gb (optional: 4Gb)
* Orientation sensor: Automatic steering display screen
* LAN 802.11b/g WIFI Certified network connection
* Standby time 4 hours, working time 2,5 hours
* Sound effect: stereo speakers device, built-in microphone
* Support high speed card reader: microSD (support 128Mb-32Gb)
* Desktop: Android, automatically change the wallpaper (like win 7)
* Update frequencies can be set to 1 hour to 6 days.
* E-book and office word processing, document to go (word, excel, PPT, PDF)
* Support e-book function
* Web browsing: google chrome lite browser UCWEB browser
* Email: mainstream web mail service gmail/yahoo mail/ hotmail
* Communication software: Fring, Skype out can call local call,
* Long distance call, overseas call dan mobile call, MSN, Skype, Gtalk
* Multimedia codes: support MP3/ Audio format support 3GP
* AVI 320×240 video format.
* Game: G-sensor game, classic game, touch game,
* Automatic screen rotation: four direction rotate screen,
* Note paper: desktop tools, support 1×1 – 4×4 custom size.
* Clock: Desktop tools, analog clock, support change skin
* Resco Explorer: Android task killer, Andexplorer.
* Unit weight 350g
* Unit size 120x192x13.4 mm
* Operating system Google Android OS
* CPU VIA VM8505 533MHz
* Web vide with the ICON Youtube
* RAM 128Mb DDR2
* Display 7″ 16:9 widescreen 800×480
* High brightness TFT LCD
* Touch control: full size touch operation
* Sliding menu, functional icon dragging
* Storage harddisk 2Gb (optional: 4Gb)
* Orientation sensor: Automatic steering display screen
* LAN 802.11b/g WIFI Certified network connection
* Standby time 4 hours, working time 2,5 hours
* Sound effect: stereo speakers device, built-in microphone
* Support high speed card reader: microSD (support 128Mb-32Gb)
* Desktop: Android, automatically change the wallpaper (like win 7)
* Update frequencies can be set to 1 hour to 6 days.
* E-book and office word processing, document to go (word, excel, PPT, PDF)
* Support e-book function
* Web browsing: google chrome lite browser UCWEB browser
* Email: mainstream web mail service gmail/yahoo mail/ hotmail
* Communication software: Fring, Skype out can call local call,
* Long distance call, overseas call dan mobile call, MSN, Skype, Gtalk
* Multimedia codes: support MP3/ Audio format support 3GP
* AVI 320×240 video format.
* Game: G-sensor game, classic game, touch game,
* Automatic screen rotation: four direction rotate screen,
* Note paper: desktop tools, support 1×1 – 4×4 custom size.
* Clock: Desktop tools, analog clock, support change skin
* Resco Explorer: Android task killer, Andexplorer.
* Unit weight 350g
* Unit size 120x192x13.4 mm

HARGA Rp1.200.000,-



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